Endless Memories is a 2 man band from Indiana. This is an album from 2001, we have other albums but this is the only one currently protected by copyrights. The entire album was recorded on a Yamaha Home Studio with Washburn guitars on a death metal pedal and digital roland drums. Roy is the guitarist and vocals and Doug is drums, lyrics and artwork, we hope you enjoy our album .
1. Reminiscent Drift 2. Winterhaven (5:01) 3. Bitterdawn (10:03) 4. Gallery of Thoughts (14:41) 5. Endless (19:44) 6. Heart Strings (21:05) 7. Emotional Dust (26:04) 8. Enigma (30:34) 9. Come Solace or Sorrow (34:52) 10. 11th of September (39:31) 11. Memories (44:52)
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To contact this band, visit them on YouTube be clicking here.