Getting exposure for your talents can be very exciting - which is why we created this platform. There are a few rules however set in place so we can keep this forum a spam free zone.
Rule #1
Please do not post more than twice a day. This will give other talent more of an equal chance at getting noticed as you. If you are flagged as a spammer, your account and posts will be removed without notice to you. Please do not spam.
Rule #2
You may only have one account open at one time. This is a rule set in place to also control spam. Members found creating more than one account will be banned.
Rule #3
Do not under any circumstances upload a talent that is not your own. Do not claim to be someone or something you are not. We have a very strict policy on using copyrighted work. You may do covers from other artists, but you must always give credit to the original artist. If you are found to violate our copyright rules, you will be banned.
Rule #4
We have a strict no adult content policy. That means that if your talent is related to being naked, or contains adult content, it can not be published on our website. We have a large audience that includes people under 18, so under no circumstances will nudity or adult content be allowed.
Rule #5
No bullying or shaming someone. If you do not like their talent, you do not have to watch it, however publicly bashing someones talent on this website is strictly forbidden and your account will be banned without notice to you.
Rule #6
Please always post your talent in the appropriate category to ensure that you are getting the right audience and exposure. If you do not see a category that your talent fits into, you can always request a new category by posting in the group labelled 'Request A Category'.
Lastly - have fun and share your posts to expand your followers and exposure levels. Invite your friends. Flag spam posts - and reach for the stars.